What does Albania offer for tourists

Albania is a country with lots of interesting things to offer but almost nothing is known outside borders. So, the first question that we make is: Why Albania is a destination not better known in Europe? This is difficult to understand because the position is very favorable. It lies between these other countries: Montenegro to…

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Summer vacations in Albania

Albania is a country with lots of interesting things to offer but almost nothing is known outside borders. So, the first question that we make is: Why Albania is a destination not well known in Europe? This is difficult to understand because the position is very favorable. It lies between these other countries: Montenegro to…

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The small city of Korca

The small city of Korca, is located in southeastern Albania and might only be 3 hours from Tirana by car, but it feels completely off the beaten tourist track. The city is positioned at 850 meters above the sea and surrounded by Morava Mountains. It is called city of the Serenate, The Small Paris, City…

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Why do we change the clock twice a year

According to the science changing the clock twice a year is about daylight saving time. When we were little ones we didn’t understood the reason why the clock must change two times a year. So, if we keep the Standard Time we might lose one hour of daylight during the evenings but on the other…

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Thethi National Park

Albania is a country with beautiful landscape and virgin nature. From north to south there are lot of attractions that are hidden or unknown by the majority of people. Also, natives are very proud of the culture and the heritage that are continuing even in today. The history of our ancients and most of all…

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